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President. Ming I Hsu


Professor MingI Hsu studied with Howard and Geogeana Jones, who pioneered the study of stimulated IVF cycles, and has been a research fellow and resident physician at Jones Institute for Reproductive Medicine. Under their leadership, Dr. Hsu has conducted extensive research on female infertility, IVF, fertilization process, and male infertility. He engaged in the research and development of sperm fertility dysfunction testing kit based on sperm binding to the egg receptor that triggers acrosome reaction and obtain an US patent (US 7148021B2), then he returned to Taiwan to serve patients.


For over two decades of comprehensive gynecological research, he has been recognized as an international authority on polycystic ovarian disorders and ovarian functions. He has published academic papers and gave lectures at international conferences. Dr. Hsu was invited to participate in the review of national research projects including the Department of Maternal and Child Studies of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Hong Kong Government Health and Medical Research Projects.

Current post

  • President of HuaYu Fertility Center

  • Professor, Ministry of Education

  • Director of Taiwan Obstetrics and Gynecology Association

  • Director of Asia Pacific Fertility Health Association

  • Vice President of the Second Council of the Reproductive Medicine Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies


  • Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Taipei Medical University

  • Director, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Taipei Medical University Wanfang Medical Center

  • Moderator, Wanfang Medical Center, Taipei Medical University

  • Taipei Medical University Teaching Award

  • Director of Teaching Department of Wanfang Medical Center

  • Director of Teacher Development Center of Wanfang Hospital

  • American Journal of Reproductive Medicine (Fertility and Sterility) Reviewer

  • Member of American Society of Reproductive Medicine

  • Jones Institute, medical fellow Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, Virginia, USA

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